Volunteer with us! Now recruiting a qualified ESOL teacher - more info here

Welcome to Rainbow Haven

A place of welcome, support, and opportunity for displaced people in Manchester and the surrounding areas.

Rainbow Haven provides community drop-in sessions that offers support and activities for refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants.  

Statement on the recent far-right violence

Everyone who lives here has the right to call it their home and feel like they belong.

Recent far-right violence has made some of our people feel unsafe and unwelcome.

We will never accept hatred based on skin colour or faith.

We want to reassure you that:

-        You are always welcome at Rainbow Haven

-        Most people support your right to live free from harassment and threats, and want you to feel safe.


If someone is making you feel unsafe, we recommend you do not engage with them and get to a place of safety as soon as you can. Please let us know if it happens here, or stops you from seeing us, by emailing info@rainbowhaven.org.uk, and we will do our best to support you.


To report a hate crime, such as racism, please contact Greater Manchester Police by calling 101 or going to a police station. If it is an emergency, call 999. If you don't want to speak to the police you can go to another organisation which takes reports - see this list - or report anonymously here, or here for anti-Muslim hate.

لكل من يعيش هنا له الحق في أن يسميها بلده ويشعر بأنه ينتمي إليه.
لقد جعلت أعمال العنف اليمينية المتطرفة الأخيرة بعض أفراد شعبنا يشعرون بعدم الأمان وعدم الترحيب.

لن نقبل أبدًا الكراهية على أساس لون البشرة أو العقيدة.
نريد أن نطمئنك إلى:
- أنت دائمًا موضع ترحيب في Rainbow Haven
- يدعم معظم الناس حقك في العيش خاليًا من المضايقات والتهديدات، ويريدونك أن تشعر بالأمان.
إذا كان شخص ما يجعلك تشعر بعدم الأمان، فنوصيك بعدم الانخراط معه والوصول إلى مكان آمن في أقرب وقت ممكن. يرجى إخبارنا إذا حدث ذلك هنا، أو منعك من رؤيتنا عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني info@rainbowhaven.org.uk، وسنبذل قصارى جهدنا لدعمك.
للإبلاغ عن جريمة كراهية، مثل العنصرية، يرجى الاتصال بشرطة مانشستر على الرقم 101 أو الذهاب إلى مركز الشرطة. إذا كانت حالة طارئة، فاتصل على الرقم 999.

If you don't want to speak to the police you can go to another organisation which takes reports - see this list - or report anonymously here, or here for anti-Muslim hate.

ኣብዚ ቦታ እዚ ዚነብር ዝዀነ ይኹን ሰብ ቤቱ ኢሉ ኺጽውዓ መሰል ኣለዎ ፣ ናቱ ዀይኑ ድማ ይስምዖ እዩ ።

ኣብዚ ቐረባ ግዜ ኣብ የማናይ ጫፍ እተፈጸመ ዓመጻ ንገሊኦም ህዝብና ድሕንነት ከም ዘይስምዖምን ከም ዘይቅበልዎምን ገይርዎም ኢዩ።

ኣብ ሕብሪ ቘርበት ወይ እምነት እተመርኰሰ ጽልኢ ፈጺምና ኣይንቕበሎን ኢና ።

ነዚ ኸነረጋግጸልካ ንደሊ ኢና ፦

- ኣብ ቀስተ-ደመና ዅሉ ሳዕ ሓንጐፋይ ኢልና ኢና እንቕበለካ

- መብዛሕትኦም ሰባት ካብ ምሽጋርን ምጕብዕባዕን ናጻ ዄንካ ንኽትነብር ዘሎካ መሰል ይድግፉኻ ድሕንነት ክስምዓካ ድማ ይደልዩኻ ።

ሓደ ሰብ ድሕንነት ከም ዚስምዓካ ዚገብር እንተ ዀይኑ ምሳታቶም ከይትጽምበር ብእተኻእለካ መጠን ከኣ ቀልጢፍካ ናብ ድሕንነት ዘለዎ ቦታ ኸይትበጽሕ ንመኽረካ። ኣብዚ እንተ ኣጋጢሙና በጃኹም ንገሩና ወይ info@rainbowhaven.org.uk ብኢ-መይል ንኸይርእዩና ይዓግተኩም ንኽንድግፈኩም ከኣ ዝከኣለና ዅሉ ኽንገብር ኢና።

ከም ዓሌትነት ዝኣመሰለ ናይ ጽልኢ ገበን ጸብጻብ ንምሃብ በጃኻ 101 ብምድዋል ወይ ናብ መደበር ፖሊስ ብምኻድ ምስ ዝዓበየ ፖሊስ ማንቸስተር ተራኸብ ። ህጹጽ ኵነታት እንተድኣ ዀይኑ 999 ደዊልካ ።

If you don't want to speak to the police you can go to another organisation which takes reports - see this list - or report anonymously here, or here for anti-Muslim hate.

Rainbow Haven is a community hub based in East Manchester. Our drop-in is open on

Tuesdays and Thursdays during term-time between 9.30 and 2.30 at

our Gorton address - please arrive between 8.30am and 9am if you want to be seen.

On drop-in days, you can see our advice team, join classes and activities
(including English classes and referrals to support to find work),
have a hot drink and a lunchtime meal, and meet up with other people.

If you require advice and information, please arrive between 8.30 and 9am if possible.
Our team can support a limited number of people.

We can also give you information about all our other activities, including:
English classes, maths classes, arts and crafts, choir, gardening, Computer Club, Mama and Baby Group.

We look forward to welcoming you to our friendly centre.

 Our services

Advice and support

Our friendly advice team includes qualified benefits advisers, a social worker, and a team of trained volunteers.  They speak a range of community languages.  

Health and wellbeing

We run many activities to promote wellbeing and partner with a range of health advice or support, including pharmacist support, dental students, sexual health advisors, and mental health workers.

Skills and employment

We hold three ESOL or conversation classes through the week, and a Digital Skills class. With our partners, Refugees & Mentors, we offer courses and one-to-one employment support.

Family support work

We help people prepare for family reunion though expert advice and support.  We have a creche facility so parents can be included in courses, and a 'Mama and Baby' group that meets weekly.
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